The Hospital Health Information Management System (HHIMS) represents a transformative leap towards optimizing healthcare management in Sri Lanka. Launched in 2012, this ongoing initiative, a collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), aims to overcome significant challenges in healthcare operations.

Pohottuwa is 7 years old today !

Published in English
Friday, 03 November 2023 10:15

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna’s seventh-anniversary celebration is today (03).

Serious charges against 70 top public officials

Published in English
Saturday, 31 August 2019 23:49

About 70 top Government officials, including district secretaries and divisional secretaries, are to be reported by the Home Affairs Ministry to the Public Administration Ministry over a range of charges, including sexual abuse, granting permits fraudulently to fell trees, sand mining and other malpractices.

Country needs a new Constitution - Sampanthan

Published in English
Tuesday, 13 August 2019 11:45

A European Union delegation comprising of Policy Officer Democracy and Electoral Observation Riccardo Chelleri and Deputy Head,Political, Trade, Communications Section Anne Vaugier Chatterjee and others met TNA Leader R.Sampanthan in Colombo yesterday.

The terminator - Statement by Mangala Samaraweera

Published in English
Sunday, 11 August 2019 18:40

Earlier today, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa announced the presidential candidate for his family’s new political party, the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP). For weeks he refused to confirm the circulating rumours about who the candidate would be. I have known Mahinda Rajapaksa for many years. We worked together side-by-side in the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) under President Kumaratunga. We fought campaigns together and we won elections together. I have served in his Cabinet.

Readers of US-based Travel and Leisure magazine have ranked Sri Lanka as the best island in the world to visit in 2019, adding to the accolades the country received recently.

Sri Lanka debuted at the top of the list, for its diversity of experiences.

The politics of a plot to kill Sri Lanka's president

Published in English
Friday, 14 December 2018 16:57

A plot to kill the president, links to foreign intelligence, a rogue police officer and a missing sniper: the snippets of news emerging from Sri Lanka in recent weeks seem plucked from the pages of paperback fiction.

Irrigation Dept. distorts history at Iranamadu

Published in English
Monday, 10 December 2018 13:30

The plaque which acknowledged the contribution of late Prime Minister, D.S. Senanayake, and the opening of the renovated Iranamadu Tank in 1954 by then Agriculture Minister Dudley Senanayake has been completely destroyed and replaced with a plaque bearing the name of President Maithripala Sirisena.

The destroyed plaque

The construction of the Iranamadu tank which is regarded as the ‘Gem of Kilinochchi’, began in 1906 and was first used for irrigating fields in 1922.
The plaque bearing the name of the first Sri Lankan Prime Minister was preserved and respected even by the LTTE during the height of the war.
Reconstruction work which began in 2016, concluded in August 2018, costing Rs 2,130 million.

The tank was recently reconstructed under a project launched by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board along with the Asian Development Bank and was re-opened by President Maithripala Sirisena on Friday During reconstruction, the old plaque was completely destroyed and taken away to make room for a new plaque indicating President Maithripala’s Sirisena’s presence at the event on Friday.

V. Premakumar, Provincial Director (North) for the Irrigation Department, yesterday claimed that the department was planning to instal the old memorial stone at a different location, but journalists who visited the area noticed the foundation stone had been destroyed.


The old plaque

The new plaque

Comments on the Comparison of the Present Constitutional Question with the Dismissal of the Whitlam Government in Australia


Published in English
Friday, 23 November 2018 21:58

Welcome to Lanka who has lost her good reason,
Where people must fight in and out of their season.
Each one for themselves and not one for the other,
Now whom can you turn to and call your own brother?

Each hour brings a new dread, for we cannot tell,
What deeds will come under the sorcerer’s spell.
The days of the week do go by in a flash,
And Friday once more brings in some new trash.

Silly Willie Sena now runs through the town,
Wielding pen and paper, robed in his nightgown.
“Are the people still awake? It’s now ten o’clock.
Off to bed I have to go… then I’ll spring them all a shock!”

It was on a Friday night when lights were dimming low,
And only just a very few were ready for the show.
Appointments and removals came as quick as quick could be.
While entrants through the back door, clapped their hands in glee.

Then once again on Friday night, the news spread far and wide,
The Parliament has been dissolved, what next would now betide?
As people checked their clocks that night, they knew without a doubt
That now the rules found in the book would he for certain flout.

A third and famous Friday came, one which we can’t forget.
A day like that is still not found and in our history set.
Amidst the shouting and chaos the Speaker took the vote,
Alas! He went through all of that – but it was cancelled by a note.

So it’s Friday Night ‘Specials’ that we do all expect.
It’s become like a habit – one that cannot be checked.
We can’t take the usual, for it’s no longer there.
Like everything else it just wafts on thin air.

A Good Night to you who may stay up to hear
What this Friday has brought to us all far and near.
Surprises, like rabbits, come out of a hat
While conjurors will twist things this way and that.



Dialog Axiata PLC and Ericsson, two of the leading communication service providers, and the Ministry of Telecommunication, Digital Infrastructure and Foreign Employment, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to set up Sri Lanka’s first 5G Innovation Center.

Sweeping changes in income tax system from April 1

Published in English
Sunday, 18 March 2018 20:05

Enhanced fines and penalties, including an increase in jail terms, and new areas of taxation, are among the highlights of the new Inland Revenue Act to be implemented from April 1, a senior official said. The Inland Revenue Department’s Deputy Commissioner General, Nadun Guruge, told the Sunday Times there would be key changes relating to income tax to achieve the Government’s target of Rs. 800 billion a year.

A convict in the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi has claimed that the man who made the bomb to kill the Indian politician is in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka hope new software can power cricket recovery

Published in English
Monday, 12 March 2018 22:02

Sri Lanka is adopting an advanced software used by football club Barcelona to manage its injury-prone cricketers as the national team trains for the World Cup next year, officials said today.

News - UN condemns anti-Muslim attacks in Sri Lanka

Published in English
Monday, 12 March 2018 11:34

The UN's political chief on Sunday condemned anti-Muslim violence that has targeted mosques and businesses in Sri Lanka as he wrapped up a three-day visit to the Indian Ocean island-nation.

By Andrea Sachs -- A recent conflict in Sri Lanka has interrupted travelers’ reveries of sacred Buddhist sites, languorous beaches and Ceylon tea moments. But careful planning — and heightened awareness — are helping keep dream trips to the Southeast Asian island alive.


 පොහොට්ටුවේ ඉතුරු වුණ පාක්ෂිකයනුත් පාවා දී රාජපක්ෂලා නැවත රට පනියි

 පොහොට්ටුවේ ඉතුරු වුණ පාක්ෂිකයනුත් පාවා දී රාජපක්ෂලා නැවත රට පනියි

මේ වන විට පොදුජන පෙරමුණේ නිර්මාතෘ සහ ජනාධිපති අපේක්ෂක නාමල් රාජපක්ෂගේ මැතිවරණ මෙහෙයුම්කරු බැසිල් රාජ...

වෙන්ඩ ජනාධිපති කෙනෙක් sympathy vote මෙහෙයුමක.

වෙන්ඩ ජනාධිපති කෙනෙක් sympathy vote මෙහෙයුමක.

මේ වන විට ජනාධිපතිවරණ ප්‍රචාරණ කටයුතු සියල්ල අවසන් වී ඇතත් ඇතැම් අපේක්ෂකයින් සිය ප්‍රචාරණ කටයුතු ඉතා...

බලය ලැබුණොත් මාලිමා ආණ්ඩු පාලනයට බටහිර රටක් මැදිහත් වෙයි. මාධ්‍ය ජාලා ප්‍රධානියකුටත් වගකීමක්.   

බලය ලැබුණොත් මාලිමා ආණ්ඩු පාලනයට බටහිර රටක් මැදිහත් වෙයි. මාධ්‍ය ජාලා ප්‍රධානියකුටත් වගකීමක්.  

ජවිපෙ 'සී අයි ඒ කෙමනක්' යැයි 'ඇත්ත' පත්තරයේ සිරස්තලයක් ගියේ නවසිය හැට ගන්න වල අගභාගයේදීය. ඊට පදනම් ව...

සලකුණට ගියාට වඩා හොඳයි නොගියා නම් සජිත්ට ඇතුළෙනුත් කුණු බැණුම්!   

සලකුණට ගියාට වඩා හොඳයි නොගියා නම් සජිත්ට ඇතුළෙනුත් කුණු බැණුම්!  

මැතිවරණ සටන උණුසුම් වෙද්දී ප්‍රධාන දේශපාලන පක්ෂවල අපේක්ෂකයින් රූපවාහිනී සංවාද වලට සහභාගී වීමට විශේෂ...

අනං මනං

ඇන්තනී පවුලේ අලුත්ම ආරංචිය (photo)

ඇන්තනී පවුලේ අලුත්ම ආරංචිය (photo)

කලා ලෝකයේ නොමිකෙන නාමයක් තැබූ ඇන්තනී පවුලේ මාධවී වත්සලා ඇනතනී කියන්නේ  සමාජ මාධ්‍ය හරහා කැපී පෙ...

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